Sabu to Ichi Torimonohikae
  • Alternative:佐武と市捕物控, Sabu & Ichi's Arrest Warrant, Sabu and Ichi Torimonohikae, Sabu and Ichi's Detective Stories, Sabu to Ichi Torimono Hikae, Sabu to Ichi Torim
  • Author:Yamashita Kazumi
  • Views:31.090 view
  • Status: Completed
  • Genres: Drama , Supernatural , Mystery , Seinen
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Sabu to Ichi Torimonohikae


The manga is composed of various episodes linked together by the mysterious boy with no particular name. The boy travels to different times and places, trading with different people, letting them see a glimpse of their future or past, or the secrets of others, and bets to see if they can change their fate.Note from scanlators: The series is episodic, we are going to jump to whatever episode we like.

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